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Dental Health: Men Vs. Women

WOMEN AND MEN have a lot in common, but they face significantly different challenges in keeping their gums and teeth healthy.

Dental Health Issues Men Face

Here are a few of the major dental health problems that affect men more than women:

  1. They are less likely to floss and brush routinely. Men are 20% less tendency than women to floss daily, brush twice a day, and even replace old toothbrushes! Men are also less likely to go to the dentist for routine preventative checkups. This is another reason it’s important to cement good oral health habits early, so boy moms, take note!

  2. Because men are more likely to drink, chew tobacco, and smoke, than women, they are at greater risk of tooth loss, advanced gum disease, and oral cancer.

  3. Dry mouth tends to affect men more because it’s a common side-effect of heart disease medications and high blood pressure.

Dental Health Issues Women Face

Meanwhile, women have their own set of dental health challenges to face:

  1. Sjörgen’s syndrome and TMD both affect women more than men.

  2. Hormonal changes through pregnancy, puberty, and menopause can make gum inflammation and gingivitis more likely.

  3. Eating disorders disproportionately affect women, and the resulting malnutrition damages every system in the body. Bulimia also directly damages the teeth through frequent exposure to stomach acid.

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.


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